This Poor "Arma - dill - a" Didn't have a Chance on Highway 57!
Miss All Ya Sweet Gals!
I've been Dreamin' and Skee - min' !
It's Been A Whirl - Wind of A Summer....
You could say, I took "the road less travled"...
Now, I am Wondering...."Where the Hell Am I!"
I'm thinking of getting a Booth for my "Tin Can Cottage Shop" at a Local Antique Outlet
Looking for a Perfect High Traffic "Lo - cal" ...
Stay Tuned....
You will All be The First to See My Shop Finds and Shop Giveaways too!
Thanx for Coming By...
Sunshine and Smiles!
Hi Christine!
I can't wait to see what you're dreamin up! Your cowgirl Wild West tags shall be awaiting you when you return home! Hugs!
Welcome back!! I missed you!!!! OOOhh a shop..a real live shop..awesome girl!! I wish I could come help set it up!! Looking forward to seeing the future plans!!
Hugs from Ethel/Cindy Rick-Rack and Gingham
Sounds like you've had a great summer.... I've been busy, too, and trying to get back into a routine of posting more regularly. Love your camper and wish I had one!
Where the Heck are you? I am going crazy here..I have been very very patient..waiting for you to come back...please are you okay? Just send me some kind of word. I think of you often and we miss you out here!!!!!
Hugs Cindy Rick-Rack and Gingham
aka Ethel
Ok, I am missing you like crazy!
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